All the goodness of ginger!
We are delighted to announce the addition of Biotona Ginger 100% Raw powder to our range! Ginger is not only a delicious aromatic spice to liven up your recipes, but also has numerous health-giving benefits. In Ayurvedic medicine ginger has been used for centuries to improve the digestion, support vitality and combat inflammations. In the west, it is also used as a remedy for nausea.
Ginger is one of the ten most consumed spices in the world! It is perhaps best known for its role in Asian cuisine, where it is included in almost every dish. In recent years, however, the herb’s beneficial properties have also come in for an increasing amount of (scientific) attention. Here are just a few of these benefits:
- Ginger assists the digestion. It helps to ensure the full evacuation of the stomach, so that indigestion and other stomach complaints (for example, an overfull feeling) can be avoided or at least reduced.
- Muscular and arthritic pain can both be soothed by the eating of ginger.
- The gingerol in ginger means that the herb is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and anti-oxidant.
- Ginger effectively combats gum infections.
- Travelling sickness, morning sickness (in pregnant women) and even the nausea often felt after chemotherapy can all be significantly reduced by the use of ginger. A dose of between 1 and 1.5 grams per day is sufficient.
- Ginger helps to relieve menstruation pain and cramps.
The ginger in Biotona Bio Ginger Raw comes from Peru. Peruvian ginger has a more intense aroma and flavour than the more common type of ginger that comes from India. The spice is well-known for its powerful yet refreshing and slightly lemony flavour, which makes it suitable for inclusion in both savoury and sweet dishes. Other uses include the ever-popular ginger tea, the hip alcohol-free ginger beer and the ginger essential oil.