Go Coco!
Fancy a cocktail or mocktail with a hint of the exotic? Biotona coconut powders are just the thing you need. For example, you can use our tasty and healthy Biotona Coconut Milk to make a mouth-watering Pina Colada. Fresh Biotona Coconut Water Raw is delicious on its own and is also a great thirst-quencher. Are you already following us on Instagram @biotona.benelux? There you can also find a number of flavour-packed recipes with coconut. And why not look at our blog for a super-tasty Coco Loco with coconut water!
Coconut milk
Coconut milk has a delightfully sweet and exotic flavour and is super-healthy. It is made from the flesh of the coconut, which also provides us with coconut cream, coconut paste, coconut flour and coconut oil. Biotona Bio Coconut Milk powder is made with coconuts from the Philippines and Sri Lanka.
You can drink coconut milk pure, but can also use it to dilute your cocktails or as an ingredient in delicious recipes. This milk is especially suitable for exotic dishes – for example, from Indonesian cuisine. As an extra bonus, coconut milk is great for your health. It not only contains lots of fibre, which helps your intestines to work better, but also increases your resistance again viruses, bacteria and fungi, thanks to its high concentration of lauric acid (which can also be found in mother’s milk). What’s more, coconut milk is packed full with anti-oxidants (vitamins C and E) and has high levels of the B vitamins, which provide energy for your cells. As if this was not enough, coconut milk is also rich in magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron, all of which are essential minerals for a fit and healthy body. And if you think drinking coconut milk will make you fat… well, you are wrong! Instead, it gives you a full feeling, so that you have less need of other much more fattening snacks!

Coconut water
Anyone who has ever drunk coconut water from a freshly harvested coconut in an exotic land will know that this fluid is the ultimate thirst-quencher. The natural composition of this refreshing drink is so remarkable that even the most sophisticated sports drink finds it hard to match. As well as being super-delicious, its high concentration of electrolytes means that coconut water is also an excellent hydrator. Electrolytes are salts and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphorous, which help to regulate the fluid levels in your body. Loss of bodily fluid – for example, through transpiration, sweating during exercise, illness or other factors – can disturb your electrolyte balance. Drinking coconut water allows you to quickly make good any losses, because the fluid has roughly the same electrolyte balance as the human body. In addition, coconut water is full of fibres, as well as containing natural sugars and vitamin C!
Biotona Bio Coconut Water Raw is a freeze-dried powder derived from 100% organic raw coconut water from the Philippines. All you need to do is add it to some water and stir. A teaspoon of the powder in a 200 ml glass will give you an ideal thirst-quenching drink on a hot summer’s day or a refreshing pick-me-up after sport!